Thursday, May 21, 2015

When bullions go crazy....

Do you love making bullions? 
If you never tried before, this post might interest you to give it a go! 
I warn you it;s not easy when you start, but hang in there and you will see how addictive it can get! 

You can create bullions via embroidery, crochet or Romanian Point Lace!
The techniques are different and the results are stunning! 
You can use a needle or a crochet hook! 

Take a look at this gorgeous bullion embroidery from Guatemala...

or this gorgeous free form crochet bullion by Prudence Mapstone from Brisbane Australia. 

When I started to create bullions, I got inspired by traditional Romanian Point Lace
like the traditional grape design

Using this technique I create different bullion designs that are not only 3D but multicolour and with a twist. 

If you want to learn to create bullions, visit my Etsy Shop and download the tutorial for the bullion stitch! 

Working with different colours and textured thread is sometimes a challenge when it comes to bullion stitches but at the same time it's a lot of fun! 

You ask what you can do with bullion stitches? How about funky buttons, jewellery, coasters, even in textile art and so much more....

Would you create a bullion stitch and if yes, what would you do with it?



  1. O ajutam și eu pe mama în copilărie la făcut macrame-uri, nu știu însă să fac prea multe. Am însă un sertar întreg de mileuri, fete de masa, am chiar și un struguras ca cel din poza, stau însă în așteptare, acum nu am unde sa le pun mai la vedere.
    Spor la treaba, inspirație și răbdare sa ai!

  2. These are all so beautiful!


  3. I've never made these - I wish I had more time to do crafts but with my masters and work I barely have any free time.


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