Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day ....

It has a special meaning to me now since I am a mum now. 

A few days ago my little girl was born and I have been blessed with a gorgeous gift!

I want every mum out there to feel special, appreciated and loved!
They do so much for us and go beyond.... 

If you have a mum, call her, shower her with gifts and tell her you love her, and not only on Mother's Day, but every day! 

Make sure your gifts are original, show that you care and love her! 
I created these art pieces with every mother in mind! 

custom illustration will make her feel special, a card that comes from the heart, a simple line and a few words of love will bring her to tears! 

Be a good loving child and make your mother happy! 




  1. Congratulation Lrena for the little bundle of joy and Happy Mother's Day

  2. Joyful (slightly belated) Mother's Day wishes, my sweet friend!

    Tons of hugs to you and your darling daughter. She'e beautiful and truly the best gift for this special day once could possibly have.

    Tons of hugs to you both,
    ♥ Jessica


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