Friday, April 10, 2015

Avis Australia in fuchsia....

Starting a new collection is always exiting and I a new challenge for me as a designer. 
It's a fun process to create a mood board and get inspired by the beautiful nature of Australia. 

This collection is called Avis Australis and is inspired by the gorgeous, bold and colourful birds of Australia. 

I love to mix up different techniques like Romanian Point Lace of course with embroidery and crochet. 

And quality control is a must before taking it of the calico!

E voilà, the end finished necklace is available in my Etsy Shop   

Check it out and let me know what you think! 




  1. It's amazing what you do with point lace. And when you mix it up with the embroidery...Oh WOW!

  2. Love coloyrful post of you,Lorena!
    Thankyou for your visit by,

  3. It is wonderful , Lorena. I love your techniques combination, the result is great.
    Your ancestor must be proud seeing you leading so far away their treasure and getting the most of it . Applause.

  4. How exquisitely beautiful, my dear friend!

    ♥ Jessica


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