Thursday, February 26, 2015

Pearls and so much more.....

Have you ever wondered, about the beauty of pearls?

How they feel, about the colour, the significance of pearls, value and what they symbolize?
I think Lupita Nyong can tell us something about wearing pearls.....

At the Oscars she war wearing a beautiful pearl dress. 
To be specific she wore 6000 pearls.

The dress was created by Francisco Costa a designer for Calvin Klein. 

Check out some details of the dress and admire the work and creativity! 

Heavy?..... I wonder how many kgs it had! 

What do you think about pearls? Love or hate?

I truly love pearls and if I could I would wear it every day! 



  1. Pearls are classic. Timeless. Beautiful.

    I used to have a pair of pearl earrings, but I don't know what happened to them.

  2. I love pearls too.
    Exquisite dress!


  3. That dress is ravishing!!! I love pearls - I mean, really, really, really adore them. Tony gave me first strand, a classic collarbone length necklace, of real pearls a few years ago and it instantly became the most worn necklace in my jewelry box. There's just about nothing that you can't pair pearls with and to which they'd don't enhance.

    Have an awesome weekend, sweet Lorena!
    ♥ Jessica

  4. I saw this dress on her and little did I know it was made with pearls !
    It looked magnificent, i can only imagine how heavy it must have been.


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