Saturday, April 12, 2014

Workshops Yarn Glorious Yarn & Romanian Point Lace

You all know that I illustrate and it;s still going on but I also teach Romanian Point Lace in the city. 
Teaming up with Yarn Glorious Yarn
made it possible to teach in a funky, bright and fun environment!

Thank you Sue from Yarn Glorious Yarn. I had a great time and I am looking forward to the next 

So if you are in Brisbane and need some Craft Therapy, Romanian Point Lace your stress away with a great workshop! 

Relax and Point Lace 


PS: If you knit and crochet I truly recommend that you visit Sue! 
Her shop is not only fun, but a true yarn-aholic treasury! 
You don't have to be local to buy her amazing yarns!

1 comment:

Let me hear it, drop it like it´s hot....