Sunday, September 1, 2013

Where Fall meets Spring....

Summer is over and fall is knocking at the door!
Here in Brisbane we just finished winter and Spring is bringing joy. 

Can I combine both seasons and make the fashion globe happy?
I say YES! 

A funky hat that you can buy in this gorgeous Etsy shop
is perfect for autumn and spring.

If you are a Libra this is the time for you to shine! 
This pendant is available in this beautiful Etsy shop!

And since I love Flowers how about the gorgeous Fall flowers Spider-Mums that are also available in Spring! 

They are gorgeous and inspired me to illustrate.

If you like to have your favourite flower illustrated, feel free to contact my Illustration Shop

Don't forget that gloves are not only for fall and a must in the fashion department , but go great in Spring as well! 
If you love these, you can find the in this fabulous Etsy shop!

Enjoy a new Season! 


  1. Lorena,dear!
    Enjoy Autumn too:)*

    I like you illustrated flowers!!!

    Sending hugs to you,

  2. Such a lovely post - and melding of two gentle, gorgeous seasons.

    I wish you the happiest of springs, dear Lorena!
    ♥ Jessica


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