Monday, April 20, 2015


We are cooking up a storm and soon you will see what is going on with

So look out for a fresh look, a great style, a fabulous combination of Ink & Lace..... where you will find one of a kind Romanian Point Lace Designs and Fashionista Art


PS: And if you think about updating you website, your brand, etc.... please visit 
You will love her style, way of working and fresh ideas! 


  1. Can't wait for the big reveal!

    I've thought about updating and also creating a new website, but I haven't gotten very far with the thoughts. I will definitely look into the Secretary Deluxe, though. Just in case.

  2. Ooohh, very fun!!! Sneak peeks are great. :) Best of luck with your exciting plans, dear gal.

    ♥ Jessica


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