Sunday, January 4, 2015

Welcome 2015 - Be a warrior!

It;s 2015 and time flies like an arrow .... you need to make the best of every moment you have and if life throws you a curveball, you need to catch it like a warrior! 

Please meet Briana Lamb a dear friend of mine who had to deal ( and still does) with an accident. 
Before the accident Brina, was super activ, a model with potential. Always on the go and with great skills! 

Photo shoot after photo shoot  Briana was making it happen.....gorgeous images and exiting poses. 

The time to recover after an accident is taff, long and sometimes with a huge gap, not only work wise, but also motivation wise.
Have a look at the beautiful, strong and daring images below! 
This is the first photo shoot for Briana  after the accident.  

Elegant, expressive, beautiful, strong and conquering.

So no matter what life puts in from of you, get  back on the horse and move on with your life! Regardless if it hurts, or it takes some time, tears, sweat and pain, this  should be for all of us not only a motivation but also a wake up call! 
Well done my friend! You are a warrior! 

I will  leave you with a beautiful quote from Walter Anderson  

Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have - life itself.



  1. Gorgeous and inspiring pics!


  2. Very inspirational! The photoshoot after the accident are stunning! Shows strength in two ways; inside and out.

    Emily Jayne

  3. Yes, a million times over. Just because life knocks you down (even if it does so massively forcefully), you can always get back up again, if only in spirit. Your friend is gorgeous inside and out and a true inspiration. Thank you both for the poignant reminder of the strength that dwells in all of us.

    ♥ Jessica


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